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October 18, 2022 Clean Water Act Turns 50

Bob Wayland, Dave Ullrich, and Mike Shapiro Assembled Eight Experts to Discuss Progress and Challenges on the CWA 50th Anniversary

Welcome and Appreciation - Assistant Administrator for Water Radhika Fox

The Assistant Administrator's pre-recorded message recognized the hard work of those who toiled in the first fifty years of the Clean Water Act and she pledged that EPA would continue to work toward realizing the law's goals, aided by significant additional resources from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act. Click the image to begin video.

Panel 1

Moderated by Dave Ullrich, former DAA in Region 5 was comprised of

Dale Bryson, former Region 5 Water Director, 

Jim Hanlon, former Director of the Office of Wastewater Management, HQ Office of Water

Ben Grumbles, Director of ECOS and former Director of Maryland and Arizona's Environmental Departments and EPA AA for Water

LaJuana Wilcher, Former Secretary of Kentucky's Environment Cabinet and former EPA AA for Water &

Ken Norton, Chair of the Intertribal Water Council

Click the image to begin video.


Panel 2

Moderated by Alexis Strauss, former Water Director and DAA of Region 9 included

Nancy Stoner, Executive Director, Potomac Riverkeeper Network and former Acting AA for Water and former Attorney with NRDC and the Department of Justice

Kristy Bulleit, former Attorney with Hogan and Hartson and Counsel to the Utility Water Action Group (UWAG), and

Jeff Eger, former Executive Director of the Northern Kentucky Stormwater and Wastewater District #1, and former Executive Director of the Water Environment Federation

Click the image to begin video.

Administrator Michael Regan Commemorated the 1972 Enactment of the Clean Water Act and the progress made toward its objectives.  He committed the Agency to meet the goals of the Act for all Americans.  Watch his remarks by clicking the photo below.



Upstream, Downriver

American University's Center for Environmental Policy and Center for Film Making produced this half hour documentary on the the public outcry that led to passage of the Clean Water Act, the first fifty years of its implementation, and the challenges that remain to realizing its goals. Click the image below and when asked enter the password CWA2022! 





Oberstar Reflects on 40 Years of Clean Water Act Implementation
In 2012 former Congressman James Oberstar described the importance of the Clean Water Act and its accomplishments at its 40th Anniversary. In 1972 he was the lead staff member on the House Committee that developed the legislation. Click the photo for the video.

James Oberstar as a Congressional aide to Congressman John Blatnik in the early 1970s. Oberstar was elected to Congress and served on the House Committee with jurisdiction for the Clean Water Act.


Our Clean Water Stories

Members have shared recollections of significant projects, important actions, and humorous events. Click here to read them.  Write your own story and share it by sending to





Half Century of Progress
One of a series on environmental programs, this report by Association Members describes major actions to protect and restore the Nation's waters, progress in the Agency's first five decades, and work which remains to be done.  Contains numerous links and video clips.  Click the image to find the report.
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