See start time on video for each speaker below
Moving Forward: Future Directions for EPA
In 2018-19, the EPA Alumni Association and the American University Center for Environmental Policy partnered to identify our greatest environmental challenges and to suggest “future directions” for EPA and environmental protection. Sixty EPA alumni participated in five focus groups, almost 400 alumni completed a survey, and 300 people attended a conference on this subject. The speakers at this presentation chaired the five focus groups and wrote the final report. There will be ample time for questions following their talks, and we will be having breakout rooms for further discussion.
Stan Laskowski, former Deputy Regional Administrator, Region 3, Future Environmental Challenges Minute 9 in the Video
Bob Perciasepe, former Deputy Administrator, and now President of the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, The “Environmental Protection Enterprise” and EPA’s Role Minute 19 in the Video
Dave Ullrich, former Deputy Regional Administrator, Region 5, EPA’s Relationship with States and Other Public and Private Actors Minute 29 in the Video
Penny Fenner-Crisp, former Senior Science Advisor, Office of Pesticide Programs, Science, Technology and Information Minute 38 in the Video
Stan Meiburg, former Deputy Regional Administrator, Regions 4 & 6, former Acting Deputy Administrator, now professor at Wake Forest University, EPA Tools, Processes, Culture and Resources Minute 45 in the Video
John Reeder, former Deputy Chief of Staff, now at American University Center for Environmental Policy, Moving Forward - Conclusions Minute 54 in the Video